Exacta Packaging Designs - Premier US Mosaic and Bullnose Manufacturer | New PUR-DOT mosaic mounting system
Exacta Packaging Designs - Premier US Mosaics and Bullnose Manufacturer
Exacta Packaging Designs, mosaic production, bullnose production, mosaics manufacturer, Mosaics and Bullnose Manufacture, waterjet, steel rule dies, tiles cut to size, mosaic production capacity
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New PUR-DOT mosaic mounting system


ExactaTiles, Inc. has added a new mosaic manufacturing capability ……  “PUR-DOT”!  This new method of mounting mosaics does not use traditional fiberglass or plastic netting.  Instead, a special polyurethane adhesive is used.  This adhesive is applied with robotic technology on a semi-automated production line.  Without the netting, now we have mosaic that had 80-90% of the back of the piece exposed instead of covered in netting.  This allow for superior bonding when the mosaic is installed, even in Submerged applications.  This new mosaic mounting method will become the new standard.  Additional production lines for both our TX & TN facilities are planned for the future.