Exacta Packaging Designs - Premier US Mosaic and Bullnose Manufacturer | ExactaTiles, Inc. - Mosaics and Bullnose Manufacturer
ExactaTiles is the premier manufacturer of mosaics and bullnose in the United States. Our services include mosaics, bullnose, tiles cut to size, 2CM pavers & coping, large format porcelain slab cutting, waterjet cutting, and more.
Exacta Packaging Designs, exactatiles, exactapak, mosaic production, bullnose, manufacturer, factory, ceramic producer, waterjet, steel rule dies, tiles cut to size.
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About Exacta

ExactaTiles, Inc. is the Premier supplier of mosaics & bullnose in the United States due to our high-quality standards and commitment to our customers!

Our highly trained and experienced employees are committed to providing the highest quality product to our customers. We strive to meet all customer delivery dates but will never “over promise” to our customers.

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Our Sevices



Exacta has the capabilities to manufacture virtually any design mosaic to the highest of quality standards.  We can also work directly with Designers and Architects to create one-of-a-kind custom mosaics.

Bullnose & Stair Tread


Custom bullnose fabrication, with either polished edge or painted decorative edge as well as stair tread manufacturing.

Waterjet Cutting


With our dual-head CNC Waterjet, cutting of tile & stone into intricate designs is no problem!

Tiles Cut To Size

Cutting larger tile, such as a 24″x24″, down to a smaller size is not a problem.  We can also fabricate custom stair treads with anti-slip grooves & bullnose edge.

Steel Rule Dies


The making of custom steel rule cutting dies is made easy with our 1000 watt CO2 Laser & Automated steel rule bending machine.